Disk check

smartctl smartctl -x /dev/sda smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda smartctl -t short /dev/sda smartctl -t long /dev/sda nvme nvme device-self-test /dev/nvme0 -s 1h nvme device-self-test /dev/nvme0 -s 2h nvme device-self-test /dev/nvme0 -s 0h nvme self-test-log /dev/nvme0 -o "json"

Hard drive firmware update on linux

Doing it manually Since I can’t use the tool provided by Seagate, the workaround is: find the firmware in the ISO apply it manually to both disks Haystack, needle… Mount the key (or the ISO): > sudo mount -o loop ./Downloads/BarracudaLP-ALL-CC35.iso /home/fabien/plop/ Look up all those files, there’s this one which seems interesting: -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 52 févr. 10 2010 Autorun.inf dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 févr. 11 2010 BCDW -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 77312 avril 30 2009 drivedetect....

Update Lenovo Bios on Linux

Just put the extracted Bios Update utilities into the WinPE 4.0 64-bit Image and create a bootable usbstick. Then, from the admin console launch: InsydeFlashx64.exe <BiosUpdate>.ROM To extract the bios: innoextract <Version>.exe Command Comparison: DOS Command UNIX or Bash Command Action DIR ls -l List directory contents TREE ls -R List directory recursivly CD cd Change directory CHDIR pwd Display directory location TYPE cat Dump contents of a file to users screen MORE more Pipe output a single page at a time HELP man Online manuals EXIT exit Exit a shell WIN startx Start X-Windows....

Western Digital GreenPower Disks

WD GreenPower disks have some problems under Linux with their “head parking” feature parking the head every 8 seconds. This destroys the disk over a short time span. For Linux, there’s idle3ctl from the idle3-tools. You can display the current value with the following command: $ sudo ./idle3ctl -g /dev/sdX Idle3 timer set to 80 (0x50) The value 80 means 8 seconds (default). From 1-128, the values mean 1/10th of a second, e....

ATA Secure Erase (SE) and hdparm

Warning The instructions below will irretrievably destroy data. Moreover, as the hdparm manpage explains, “these switches are DANGEROUS to experiment with, and might not work with every kernel. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.” Explanation According to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-88: Guidelines for Media Sanitization, Secure Erase is “An overwrite technology using firmware based process to overwrite a hard drive. Is a drive command defined in the ANSI ATA and SCSI disk drive interface specifications, which runs inside drive hardware....


calibration This is the command to start the calibrator: dispcal -v -y l -g 2.2 -t 6500 -q h target There are a few options that can be set in this command by changing the values after the option flags (the dash followed by a letter): Monitor type: -y l for LCD displays, -y c for CRT displays Target gamma: -g (gamma) Lets you specify a target gamma, use 2.2 unless you know why you should pick otherwise....