Disk check

smartctl smartctl -x /dev/sda smartctl -l selftest /dev/sda smartctl -t short /dev/sda smartctl -t long /dev/sda nvme nvme device-self-test /dev/nvme0 -s 1h nvme device-self-test /dev/nvme0 -s 2h nvme device-self-test /dev/nvme0 -s 0h nvme self-test-log /dev/nvme0 -o "json"

Disk image

Creating dd if=/dev/zero of=file.img bs=1 count=0 seek=512M Copy cp --sparse=always new_file.img recovered_file.img Growing dd if=/dev/zero of=file.img bs=1 count=0 seek=1G This will increase its size to 1 Gb, and leave its information intact. cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 crypt-volume cryptsetup resize crypt-volume btrfs filesystem resize amount /dev/mapper/crypt-volume The amount can also be max instead of a specified amount. This will use all remaining free space on the device. Source: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Sparse_file https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/320957/extend-a-luks-encrypted-partition-to-fill-disk https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/storage_administration_guide/resizing-btrfs

Hard drive firmware update on linux

Doing it manually Since I can’t use the tool provided by Seagate, the workaround is: find the firmware in the ISO apply it manually to both disks Haystack, needle… Mount the key (or the ISO): > sudo mount -o loop ./Downloads/BarracudaLP-ALL-CC35.iso /home/fabien/plop/ Look up all those files, there’s this one which seems interesting: -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 52 févr. 10 2010 Autorun.inf dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root 2048 févr. 11 2010 BCDW -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 77312 avril 30 2009 drivedetect....


Dockerfile FROM gentoo/portage:latest as portage FROM gentoo/stage3-amd64:latest COPY --from=portage /var/db/repos/gentoo /var/db/repos/gentoo ENV ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~amd64" \ EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS="--jobs=4 --quiet" \ FEATURES="-sandbox -usersandbox -ipc-sandbox -network-sandbox -mount-sandbox -pid-sandbox" \ MAKEOPTS="-j4" \ USE="" RUN emerge dev-vcs/git app-portage/repoman dev-util/pkgcheck \ && rm -rf /var/cache/distfiles/* Building the image From inside the my_build directory, we’ll use the docker build command, passing the -t flag to “tag” the new image with a name, which in this case will be my_image. The ....


concat FFmpeg has three concat methods. concat protocol ffmpeg -i 'concat:input1|input2' -codec copy output concat video filter ffmpeg -i opening.mkv -i episode.mkv -i ending.mkv \ -filter_complex '[0:0] [0:1] [1:0] [1:1] [2:0] [2:1] concat=n=3:v=1:a=1 [v] [a]' \ -map '[v]' -map '[a]' output.mkv concat demuxer $ cat mylist.txt file '/path/to/file1' file '/path/to/file2' file '/path/to/file3' $ ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy output Which one to use concat protocol: use with formats that support file level concatenation (MPEG-1, MPEG-2 PS, DV)....


Shrink a vdi VirtualBox disk image Run defrag in the guest (Windows only) Nullify free space: With a Linux Guest run this: cat /dev/zero > zero.fill;sync;sleep 1;sync;rm -f zero.fill With a Windows Guest, download SDelete from Sysinternals and run this: sdelete.exe c: -z Shutdown the guest VM Now run VBoxManage’s modifymedium command: On Linux: vboxmanage modifymedium disk /path/to/thedisk.vdi --compact Source: https://superuser.com/questions/529149/how-to-compact-virtualboxs-vdi-file-size Repack Windows DVD mkisofs \ -iso-level 4 \ -l \ -R \ -UDF \ -D \ -b boot/etfsboot....

Creating a new GPG key

At the time of writing GnuPG unfortunately defaults to a 1024 bit DSAkey as the primary with SHA1 as the preferred hash. Due to weaknessesfound with the SHA1 hashing algorithm Debian prefers to use keys thatare at least 2048 bits and preferring SHA2. The following instructionsprovide a guide to how to generate such a key and are based, withpermission, on a post to Ana’sblog. pub 4096R/6AA15948 2009-05-10 Key fingerprint = 7A33 ECAA 188B 96F2 7C91 7288 B346 4F89 6AA1 5948 uid Ana Beatriz Guerrero López <ana@ekaia....


clean up git git reflog expire --expire=1.minute refs/heads/master git fsck --unreachable git prune git gc git maintenance run A simple way to create git repository on a server machine connecting via ssh Create a working copy repository First, create a new local git repository and add all files within this folder. cd ˜/workshop git init git add . git commit -m "initial repository creation" Create the bare repository Then we have to create a bare repository on the server side....

Update Lenovo Bios on Linux

Just put the extracted Bios Update utilities into the WinPE 4.0 64-bit Image and create a bootable usbstick. Then, from the admin console launch: InsydeFlashx64.exe <BiosUpdate>.ROM To extract the bios: innoextract <Version>.exe Command Comparison: DOS Command UNIX or Bash Command Action DIR ls -l List directory contents TREE ls -R List directory recursivly CD cd Change directory CHDIR pwd Display directory location TYPE cat Dump contents of a file to users screen MORE more Pipe output a single page at a time HELP man Online manuals EXIT exit Exit a shell WIN startx Start X-Windows....

Recover Btrfs Partition

Let’s assume that you don’t have a physical device failure (which is a different set of tools – mount -odegraded, btrfs dev del missing). First thing to do is to take a btrfs-image -c9 -t4 of the filesystem, and keep a copy of the output to show josef. :) Then start with -orecovery and -oro,recovery for pretty much anything. If those fail, then look in dmesg for errors relating to the log tree – if that’s corrupt and can’t be read (or causes a crash), use btrfs-zero-log....